It's the font that inspired a story. Or is it the story that inspired a font? Droeming is a simple experiment in scrawl font technique. Drawn by hand with a very small brush and a few drams of India ink, the scanned and vectored results deliver intriguing thicks and thins with curious blobbings in just the right places, creating interest and variation. After some heavy kerning of 7,000 plus pairs--and some heavy writing of 26,000 words--the font and the story it inspired are finally done. But didn't I just mention that it's not clear which inspired which? Check out the Droeming specimen book and see if you can figure it out. And then ask yourself, can you handle the droem? It would be a syn if you couldn't.
And now something different, a moment aside to give a plug where a plug is deserved, since we're talking about writing here. If you like your fiction strange, disturbed, a bit off the path where the scary things hide, then I implore you to check out Apex Science Fiction and Horror Digest. It isn't your average read, plus I thought it would be cool to give their logo the Droeming treatment. Give them a click and see what these guys have to offer. It might frighten you, though, which is their goal of course.
Finally, we get to the story behind the font. Or was that the font behind the story? I'll let you decide that for yourself--it really isn't important. In the meanwhile, here's the opening excerpt from that story. To see how it all ends, just follow the link at  the bottom of the page to download the complete DOC file.
This font just isn't complete without a specimen book. Download the PDF (3.8 MB) for the Droeming family to have in hand all your reference needs. You mean I didn't mention Droeming is a family? Well, just a normal and italic version, so you'll have the proper emphasis for your layouts.
DROEMING is downloading now at www.myfonts.com for a mere $15.
Headlines & Text
Scary DTP
Signs & Markers
    Dr. Newhan studied the screen on his vode with a vexxed look in his eyes.

     He'd already seen so many patients today they were all starting to blear together, and now, on the last one before lunch, his nurse had submitted an incomplete preliminary exam, forcing him to troll through lines of half-finished entries in an effort to make sense of it all.  With three quick taps, he joined the history folder to the vitals chart and magnified them, floating the conjugation above the screen’s liquid surface.

     Staring over the top of his focals, he scrolled the views, relieved to find that his nurse had at least managed to complete the history and vitals routines.

     The patient, Ank Palla, was twenty-four years old, his vitals were all strong, his claimed drug abuse status was a dubious 0.000, and there were no red cursors anywhere, nothing to indicate he was predisposed to any health issues of any kind.  He appeared--even just looking at him--to be quite healthy.  Yet one could hardly make an observation about a person’s health with a mere glance.

     Still, Dr. Newhan tried anyway, noting only that, in spite of Mr. Palla’s slight size, his legs were tan and muscular, as was the rest of his body, and he was dressed in shorts and sandals and a tank tee, as a person foolish enough to endure the outdoors in search of more dark skin would be.

     It was summer.  And in the city, summer meant not just hotter than the rest of the seasons, but dangerous.  Buildings were no longer just a place to live.  They were mountains of heat-absorbing glass over steel, sponging up the deadly August sunlight like an enormous, wart-ridden solar collector intent on baking to death all of the little bone-filled organisms striving to make this place a home.

     Of course it was only hot on the outside, so the organisms thrived on the inside, where it was cold like an icebox.

     And Mr. Palla was just one of those many organisms, another freezing, ailing member of the endless human infestation besetting the city, and someone Dr. Newhan couldn’t stop thinking looked much too healthy to be here.
by Michael G Adkins
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Droeming the High Synthetic is copyright 2008 Michael G Adkins
Got a comment on this story? A critique? Send me an email-!!!
click here to download the complete story in Word.doc (239 kb)