The Alf R. Becker Project

The Fontry, in cooperation with SignWeb and Signs of the Times magazine, is in the process of digitizing some of the hundreds of alphabets Alf R. Becker created for the magazine in the early 1930s. Becker, a sign painter, display artist and teacher of art and lettering in St. Louis, intended to create one alphabet per month for about a year for the magazine. But the popularity of the series, coupled with Becker's enthusiasm for type design, fueled a 27-year period of creativity that spawned more than 320 original alphabets.

The first nine-years of his work was eventually compiled and published in book form by
ST Publications in 1941.

Throughout his work, Becker combines tried and true styles that have endured across two centuries ... bold and eccentric, playful and decorative styles that still maintain a sense of originality and freshness. At one time, interest in Becker's designs was resigned to sign painters and hand letterers, but a new generation of computer artists, designers and illustrators have begun rediscovering his art.


Becker's alphabets, masterfully designed for advertising display, have been carefully and sensitively reproduced for modern sign-design equipment by The Fontry. Where possible, Becker's design strengths and subtle flourishes have been carefully preserved, plus additional characters and kerning pairs have been added to complete the alphabets.

You can
download some sample Becker fonts FREE. Just click here right now! We hope you enjoy this alphabet, and let us know what you think.
Supplying an alphabet a month to Signs of the Times magazine for 27 consecutive years, Alf R Becker produced an incredible collection of hand-lettered "type" treatments from 1932 to 1959. Even in illness and only a couple of months before his death, Becker continued to educate signmen to the possiblities of mastering the artistic qualities of the written word. Leaping forward almost 70 years and 320 alphabets later into a new century, I think  Becker would have been impressed, and, hopefully, would have approved of the work we've done based on his amazing accomplishment.


With the history behind us, this first Alf R Becker font pak is ready for the future. It was a challenge, but out of 320 alphabets, we've chosen four favorites (from a list of many favorites!) to represent our first retail Becker pak.

Each font is radically different in design, but each one is still as useful and timely today as it was 7 decades ago. If you want to cast an art deco shadow on your work,
ARB44 is ready to spell out elegance and refinement. ARB70 is a badder than bad poster font that is all business! Beware of those sharp points! ARB93 could very easily grace the saloons of the old west or a banner at the local rodeo grounds. And last but not least, every signman needs a good Roman style font like ARB67.

Get all four classic fonts for $50. Or take advantage of this special offer: Buy Script Pak #1 and get ARB Pak #1 FREE! It's like slicing the price of the Script Pak #1 fonts in half!
ALF R. BECKER pak #1 / $50  click to order now
"In lettering and layout, there is always something new -- something different -- to learn. We can never afford to rest on our laurels and we can never afford to say that we know it all. No sooner than we do, someone from somewhere is bound to come along and prove to us that we are wrong." -- Alf. R. Becker, 1941.

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